Categories Mental Health

How to start your New Year’s Resolution in 2023

It’s New Year’s Eve and we’re starting with New Year’s Resolutions for 2023. Did you know you don’t have to wait till New Year’s Eve? I used to do it all the time and I go for a week or two and stop. That’s when I became depressed and lost interest in everything I loved.

Now, I don’t want to talk about myself on this post because that’s for another time. But I want to give you a list of 9 things to add to your News Years Resolutions you can do all year around.

1. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to give you a peace of mind and less stress. You can work out at home, gym, yoga, water aerobics, or go cycling.

I started back in the gym after 2 months. And I started doing yoga again. My body is currently in terrible shape and I needed to get back into working out because I was always in pain and feeling sick every day.

If you’re not into working out, start by walking for 5 minutes around your neighborhood. Get your kids and spouse out of the house and go to the park if you have little ones.

Exercise will help you decrease in health issues, less depressed and anxiety.

2. Focus on your passion

Focusing on your passion is the most important thing in our lives. Sit down with yourself and ask questions about what makes you happy. What are your favorite hobbies? What do you like to do? And why does it make you happy?

If your not happy where you work, change it. Find another job that will make you happy or find something you love to do and start a side business or a full business.

If your not sure what your passion is, take a few classes to explore your interest, start networking with new people, etc.

Working at a dead end job isn’t a passion, and you’ll stay miserable because you won’t go find something you’re passionate about.

3. Practice self-care

Self-care is essential. Self-care should be our number one priority in our lives. Without Self-care, we become burnt out, depressed and lack of focus.

I used to lack self-care after having my kids. My focus was taking care of them, my husband and our home since I’m a stay-at-home-mom. Since my husband work while I took care of our home, I had headaches all the time, lack of sleep, fatigue, and irate all the time. One day I woke up and tried to care for the kids, but couldn’t.

It was hard because I could never take a break and focus on myself because my kids are small. My husband and I had a conversation, and we shared chores around the house and also we take turns taking care of the kids while one is practicing self-care.

Self-care isn’t about just taking a bath and relaxing. Self-care can be:

  1. Morning pedicures
  2. Buy your favorite flowers or snacks
  3. Do a vision board
  4. Create a music playlist
  5. Make or buy your favorite coffee, tea or wine
  6. Do your hair
  7. Wear your favorite make-up

Do what makes you happy and practice every day or practice once a week.

4. Read a Book

Reading a book is a great way to start off the New Year. I love to read because I can visualize everything in my mind. I visualize myself as the main character, gain ideas, and learn more about the author’s writing style.

Here are the benefits of reading:

  1. Increase knowledge
  2. Improve your knowledge
  3. Focus on focus and memory
  4. Enjoy entertainment
  5. Improve your ability to empathize
  6. Improve your communication skills
  7. Reduce stress
  8. Improve your mental health
  9. Live longer

If your not sure what books you are into, ask yourself what kind of movies are you into? Do you like anything with a lot of action? Or do you like anything with magic or fantasy?

5. Try to Travel

Traveling is also a great way to start the New Year. I love to travel because I love exploring and trying new things. This year, my family and I went to Disneyland for our daughter’s 5th birthday. I’m from California and I’ve been to Disneyland a few times in my life, but this was my family’s first time and it was amazing. They loved it and would like to return next year.

You don’t have to travel very far, especially if you’re broke. You can travel to another city or do a staycation away from your home.

6. Write in a journal

Journaling is another way to start your New Year. Journaling is a great way to release your emotions. If you had a bad day, or something great happened to you, write it down. I usually journal in the evening, but some prefer to journal in the morning before they start their day. If you’re not sure what to write, look at some prompts below:

  1. Who has loved you unconditionally? 
  2. Write about something that always makes you smile, no matter what. 
  3. How have you grown in the past year? 
  4. What do you need to stop doing? 
  5. What’s the most important thing to focus on this week? 

I found these journal prompts on Your Visual Journal Blog and she has over 300+ prompts to help you journal.

7. Drink more water

Drinking water is very important. It helps flush out toxins, lose weight and prevent dehydration.

First thing you do when you wake up, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Drinking water helps to boost immunity and vitality, lowering body weight and speeding up metabolism, and avoiding headaches and kidney stones.

If you’re not sure how much to drink, check out Daily Water Intake Calculator here.

8. Start a hobby

Starting a hobby is a great way to kick off the New Year. Having a hobby is a piece of our identity and reminds us who we are.

It took me a while to get into what I really loved. I had to start from when I was a kid and why I stopped writing. Writing was my passion. I used to have a diary. Every day, I wrote in it. I also loved reading.

If you’re not sure what hobbies to try, look at Pinterest and search for hobbies and there will be different pins. Enjoy!

9. Buy new plants

Buying new plants is a great way to start the New Years. We currently have a few plants in our home and we love it. It feels more peaceful and mindful.

The benefits of buying plants will be:

  1. Boost your moods,
  2. Increase creativity
  3. Reduce stress
  4. Eliminate air pollutants
  5. Purify the air

If you’re not sure what type of plants to purchase, check out


I hope these New Year’s resolutions will help you on your journey to grow and become a better person mentally and physically.

Remember, you do not have to wait until the new year to discover. Start today!

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