Categories Mental Health

New Month, New Blessings

Hello world! I haven’t been on in a while. I’ve been having health issues. I had a hysterectomy last year, and I kind of regret it. I did not have fibroids or endometriosis, but I have overactive bladder problems; my uterus was more significant than average, pressing on my bladder. However, I realized my mood had worsened after my surgery. I’ve been super depressed, fatigued, irritable, anxious, etc. I wouldn’t have gone through it if I had known I had to deal with this daily. I decided to see an OBGYN about my mental health, and my doctor prescribed me progesterone. I thought it would help me, but it made things worse. I’ve been seeing a pain doctor since July, and he recently diagnosed me. He said I have Zoster Sine Herpete. It manifests as dermatomal neuralgia without a rash. I feel I’m misdiagnosed again because back in July, another doctor said I had a gallstone stuck in the neck of my Gallbladder, which I also found out a couple of weeks ago; I did not after having an ultrasound performed. I’ve been getting a lot of running around and nothing. I know I have a hernia by my belly button, and it’s been a pain for the past few months; the pain moves around on my right side, which is weird. I hope I can find a second opinion because this has been a depressing journey for the past few months, and I shouldn’t have to feel like shit all the time. I’ve been purchasing many products to help with my issue, and nothing seems to work. My blood pressure went down and is back to normal, but that’s mainly it. Hopefully, someone can figure it out. Anyway, I don’t want anyone to be sad and feel bad. I will be okay with taking it one day at a time.

My daughter started kindergarten this year, and we’re excited. She’s brilliant. She made a lot of friends, and she became the first Star student in her class. She loves school, and we help her every step of the way. She’s learning to read, and we noticed she gets her books and teaches herself and her brother, too. My daughter is a lovely old soul; I’m glad to be her mother. Our son wants to go to school, but we explain that he has had to wait a while since he was 3. We try to take him to the library like we did Aubree when she was smaller so she can be around other kids and do activities with others. The library is the best way for little ones to interact with people, read to them, and bring home activities for them to try.

I wake up at 5:30 a.m. to practice self-care before I wake my daughter for school. I do yoga, meditation, and journaling. After I drop my daughter off at school, I go for a 2-mile walk alone or with a friend. I try to keep myself from being depressed so much and be lazy. I’m still a stay-at-home mother, caring for my family and our home while my husband works. It’s not easy. My kids need me every second, so I wake up early to have time for myself.

I’ve been back on listening to podcasts because some podcasters have been dropping gems I need to hear and write down. I’m considering starting a mental health and wellness podcast, but I’m still writing down my ideas and figuring out what to discuss. I didn’t want to do it because I’m a sensitive person, and it’s always the trolls that want to try and criticize you about anything, and they think they’re better at doing it, but fuck it, I’m going to try anyway, and I will announce it soon.

I hope you all have been taking it one day at a time and treating yourself well. I know there’s been a lot going on in this world, but don’t let anything get to you, and remember, if it’s hard right now, try and take a mental health day and do what you love.

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