Categories Mental Health

5 Easy Meditation Methods For Newbies

If you’re looking for an easy way to relieve stress and anxiety or want a bit of peace in your life, try meditation! It’s not as hard as it sounds. These five methods will help you start on the right track as a newbie.

The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • Color: Red
  • Mantra: LAM – I AM
  • Position: Located in your lower back
  • Meaning: It controls our emotional and spiritual balance and makes us feel grounded.
  • Unbalanced Root Chakra: Depression, low self-esteem, excessive fear, and more.
  • How to balance: Dancing, connecting with the earth, walking in nature, and more.
  • Essential oils or incense: Patchouli, Frankincense, and Cedarwood.

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

  • Color: Orange
  • Mantra: VAM – I FEEL
  • Position: Below your navel and above your genital area
  • Meaning: It centers our pleasure and passion, which controls our reproductive systems, emotions, sexuality, and creativity.
  • Unbalanced Sacral Chakra: Decrease of sexual interest, overeating, shame, and more.
  • How to balance: Beginner yoga positions, wear orange, meditation mantra “I feel, I create, I release” Repetitive.
  • Essential oils or incense: Ylang Ylang, Rose, and Sweet Orange

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • Color: Yellow
  • Mantra: RAM – I CAN OR I DO
  • Position: Right below your rib cage
  • Meaning: This chakra controls your self-esteem, decisions, and confidence
  • Unbalanced Solar Pexels Chakra: Lack of motivation, control, and feeling like a victim.
  • How to balance: Find hobbies that bring you joy, cleanse your energy, and yellow foods that can heal you.
  • Essential oils or incense: Juniper, Lemon, and Chamomile

The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Color: Green
  • Mantra: YAM – I LOVE
  • Position: Center of chest
  • Meaning: It controls for oneself, compassion, and acceptance.
  • Unbalanced Heart Chakra: Jealousy, negative self-talk, judgment, and more.
  • How to balance: Self-love, yoga, journaling, and helping others.
  • Essential oils or incense: Neroli, Sandalwood, and Jasmine

The Throat Chakra (Visshuddha)

  • Color: Blue
  • Mantra: HAM – I SPEAK
  • Position: The base of your neck and collarbone
  • Meaning: It focuses on communication, self-expression, and speaking your truth.
  • Unbalanced Throat Chakra: Hiding the truth, gossiping, negative self-talk of yourself and others.
  • How to balance: Wear blue, breathing, and neck exercises.
  • Essential oils or incense: Bergamot, Juniper, and Peppermint
  • Color: Indigo
  • Mantra: SHAM – I SEE
  • Position: Between and slightly above your eyebrows
  • Meaning: It controls perception, consciousness, and intuition.
  • Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra: Negative thoughts, lack of focus, and depression
  • How to balance: Third Eye yoga and meditation, and sleep
  • Essential oils or incense: Lemon, Clary Sage, and Lavender

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • Color: Violet/White
  • Position: Located at the top of your head
  • Meaning: It brings spiritual understanding and peace with a clear perspective and purpose.
  • Unbalanced Crown Chakra: Excessive stress, overthinking, and self-destructive tendencies.
  • Essential oils and incense: Benzoin, Vetiver, and Cedarwood

If you are not sure where to begin, try this Chakra Test to find out how to open each chakra at a time.

Sound Bath Meditation

Sound bath meditation is a sound healing practice where you lay in a corpse (Savasana) pose and have someone perform healing sounds with various instruments and methods like singing bowls, gongs, drumming, tuning forks, and chanting.

The benefits of Sound bath meditation:

  • Helps with depression and anxiety
  • Calms your nervous system
  • Creativity
  • Insomnia

You can practice with a group, solo, or private with an experienced, trained practitioner.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation is a word or phrase you repeat during meditation. Different types of mantras can be used for various purposes, including shifting your mindset and encouraging focus.

Here are some mantra examples you can try:

  • “I am loved”
  • “My life is full of joy”
  • “I love myself”
  • “I am worth it”

You can also look at Youtube or podcasts for great mantras that can help you along your journey.

Spiritual Meditation

In spiritual meditation, you strip off all the perceptions of yourself to find your authentic self. Spiritual meditation is a type of meditation in which you intend to connect with a higher power, or some people may call it, the universe, our Ancestors, or God.

Stress and relaxation, clearing the mind, and spiritual awakening are just a few reasons people seek spiritual practice.

Although meditation is an element of many spiritual traditions’ teachings and practices, the method itself is not associated with any religion or faith.

Zen Meditation

The art of meditation is typically associated with the practice and philosophy of Zen Buddhism. Zen Buddhism can be in many different ways and styles, but the most common one would probably be zen meditation, where you focus on breathing to reach enlightenment through relaxation.

Zen meditation can be practiced with a group or community. Practicing these principles collectively would take up arms against all sorts of distractions and cultivate inner peace to achieve enlightenment (a state free from confusion).

This type of meditation does not involve focusing attention on the breath or chanting a mantra but simply being aware of one’s state of mind, which itself emerges from an alert and concentrated mind.

In Conclusion

Meditation is a powerful tool for self-discovery, relaxation, and stress relief. It’s also one of the best ways to achieve mindfulness in your everyday life. There are plenty of videos, podcasts, and classes to help you find peace with yourself, improve your productivity at work or school, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression while improving overall health.

So which type of meditation do you prefer? Post a comment below!

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